March 19, 2020 / Care,Community,Webinars

WATCH: COVID-19 & Duchenne – What you need to know

Webinar Recording: COVID-19 & Duchenne – What you need to know

Earlier today, PPMD hosted a webinar with experts from our Certified Duchenne Care Centers (CDCCs) to educate our community on the current state of COVID-19, as well as address questions that were submitted ahead of time. We want to thank Dr. Jeff Auletta (Nationwide Children’s), Dr. Seth Perlman (Seattle Children’s), Dr. Kathryn Wagner (Kennedy Krieger Institute), and Dr. Richard Shell (Nationwide Children’s) for providing the Duchenne community with informative and valuable information.

Watch the recording:

While the goal of this webinar was to ensure everyone in our community is on the same page, we understand some questions were left unanswered. PPMD is actively working on a series of webinars and materials to support your family during this time, and our priority is always to provide your family with the most up-to-date information possible.


Please continue to submit questions to, so we can continue to adapt our resources to your concerns.

Resources mentioned during the webinar:

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