April 8, 2020 / Care,Community

New Video Resource: What is Duchenne?

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New Video Resource:
What is Duchenne?

PPMD is proud to unveil a short new educational video to help kids better understand what Duchenne is and how it may affect the way they play and interact with friends and family.

Self-quarantine comes with a number of challenges, but we can all agree the silver lining has been quality family time. It may have allowed life to slow down a bit, and for bonds and connections to grow. Many families have been creative about how to pass the time, enjoy each other, and stay active each day.

It also may be an opportunity to sit down and educate your children about Duchenne, and what it means for their own health. For young children living with Duchenne, these conversations may be difficult to have.

WATCH: What is Duchenne?

Your children may know that their muscles are “different,” and for this reason they need to see a “special muscle doctor” and wear cool “moon boots.” However, they may have more questions or want to know how to explain Duchenne to their friends. PPMD’s new Fast Draw video is geared towards young kids to help educate them, their friends and siblings, and others close to the family about Duchenne.

For additional resources on talking to your child about Duchenne, please visit the PPMD website.

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