Closing out an incredibly impactful Duchenne Action Month, today we celebrate PPMD’s 11th Annual Coach To Cure MD!
This amazing program continues to grow and continues to raise money and awareness for Duchenne…all thanks to great teammates like YOU!
Nearly every televised College Football game around the country will have coaches wearing Coach To Cure MD patches, tweeting about Duchenne, and encouraging fans to text a donation. With over 500 universities participating, we couldn’t be more grateful to have you on our team! Check out the full listing of televised games sporting our patches!
So grab a cold drink, a warm snack, and cheer on your favorite team today knowing that all over the U.S., football fans will continue to join us and help us#TackleDuchenne!
Text To Give $10
Every dollar our community has raised through the Coach To Cure MD program has helped us advance promising research including two approved therapies. Help us further our efforts by donating online or by texting CURE to 50555 to donate $10!
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Click here to watch & share our video.
Let’s get trending! Share your commitment by using the hashtag #TackleDuchenneand taking pictures at your game, tailgate, or event using our Facebook photo frame!