Sign up today for the Race to End Duchenne Virtual Race Series-May 21, 2022 – June 19, 2022!
The Power of Us is stronger than any one of us alone. Join us for the Race to End Duchenne Virtual Series – Power of Us! Together as a community, we can get moving, focus on our wellness, and raise much-needed funds and awareness to end Duchenne.
Between May 21st and June 19th, track your activity minutes or miles via an app that we’ll provide. Choose from tons of activities including running, reading, walking, swimming, biking, yoga, meditation, and more.
Form a team or join the Power of Us team led by Pat Furlong, President and CEO!
Each participant who opts to receive one will receive a Race to End Duchenne Virtual Series – Power of Us t-shirt and some other fun items!
Additional fundraising incentives*:
Raise $250 or more and receive a PPMD Insulated Tumbler
Raise $500 or more and receive a Race to End Duchenne Running Belt
Raise $750 or more and receive a PPMD Sweatshirt
Raise $1000 or more and receive the choice of either a Race to End Duchenne Backpack or Windbreaker Jacket
There will be additional prizes for the most activity minutes tracked and the top fundraising individuals and teams!
Register and Start a Fundraising Page*Fundraising incentives are for individual, not team, fundraising totals. Prizes will be mailed within two weeks of the conclusion of the event.
#RaceToEndDuchenne #PowerofUs!