February 16, 2021 / Advocacy,Care,Clinical Trials,Community,Research

Save the Date for PPMD’s Annual Conference: Virtual Edition – June 23-26, 2021

PPMD’s Annual Conference – Virtual Edition
June 23-26, 2021

It’s hard to believe that we are still in this pandemic. We are getting closer to safer days ahead and we want our Duchenne and Becker community to remain healthy and protected. While we miss meeting face-to-face, we recognize that we still must behave responsibly, and now is not the time to take risks.  

With that in mind, PPMD has made the decision to go virtual with this year’s Annual Conference. We are already planning some new, interactive additions to our program.

 Join us June 23-26 for four days of information, education, conversation, and community.

PPMD’s 2021 Annual Conference – Virtual Edition will feature:

  • Presentations and discussion panels featuring the latest research, clinical trials, approved therapies, care initiatives, quality of life issues, and more
  • One-on-one private appointments with Behavioral Therapists, Physical Therapists, Genetic Counselors, and other specialists in the field
  • A track for Newly Diagnosed families
  • Breakout sessions according to age, covering multiple aspects of care
  • Programing for teen and adult track registrants 
  • Social opportunities for moms, dads, caregivers, siblings, and tweens and teens with Duchenne. 
  • Virtual Poster Session and Resource Fair
  • Conference Hub with a robust online resource library

We miss our Duchenne family dearly and look forward to seeing each other in person again soon!

For now, we promise you a conference that stands apart from all the rest and remains true to all you have come to expect from PPMD.

Registration for PPMD’s 2021 Annual Conference: Virtual Edition opens in mid-April. 

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