Clinical Trials

Clinical trials and research studies are vitally important to improving health and quality of life for people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Clinical trials are research studies in humans designed to study if an experimental therapy or treatment works. The importance of this research must be balanced with the need for each family to carefully decide if trial participation is right for them.

How can I find the right trials for me?

A key goal of The Duchenne Registry is to assist in developing and recruiting for new clinical trials and research studies for Duchenne. All individuals with Duchenne, as well as carrier females, are eligible to participate in The Duchenne Registry. Create an account now, or update your existing account, and you will receive email notifications of clinical trials and research studies that may be right for you.

Where can I learn more about the clinical trial process?

The clinical trial process can be overwhelming for families because there are multiple phases, each with a specific goal. Learn more about clinical trials in general and about the phases of trials.

Do you prefer to learn by watching rather than reading? If so, check out the Clinical Trial Video Library. This library contains multiple interviews with individuals with Duchenne, parents, and leaders in the Duchenne community all discussing different aspects of clinical trials.

Where can I find help in deciding if trial participation is right for me or my family?

Participating in a clinical trial is a big commitment for not only the person with Duchenne, but the entire family. You must weigh the pros and cons of trial participation and decide what is best for you and your family. Read Considering a Clinical Trial and print out the Clinical Trial Decision Guide and the List of Questions for your doctor.

Are you a researcher who would like to recruit for your trial or study through The Duchenne Registry?

Using The Duchenne Registry to recruit for your clinical trial or research study allows you to easily access potential participants who match some or all of your inclusion criteria. This recruitment service saves you valuable time and money. Learn more about partnering with The Duchenne Registry for your recruitment needs.