February 28, 2023 / Community,Race

Race Athlete Spotlight: Anita Mullick

Joining the Race to End Duchenne Virtual Series can be done from anywhere!  Anita supports PPMD all the way from Australia.  Our next Virtual Series is coming this May!

Meet Anita

Why did you choose to join the Race to End Duchenne team?

Our son, Alfie, was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy in 2021, so I wanted to do something positive for the cause that would also be good for my mental and physical health.

How many races have you participated in?

The Race to End Duchenne Virtual Series – Global Walk 4 Duchenne in September 2022 was my first race.  I hope to do a hike in September this year in Australia to help raise funds and awareness for DMD.

How do you prepare for races?

In the lead up to the challenge, I did a 12-week healthy living reset, so I was feeling good physically and mentally.  I thought morning walks and runs would be a great way to keep the momentum going!

Do you have any fundraising and/or training tips or pointers you would share with other runners – either advice someone gave you or you’ve discovered on your own?

Using Facebook as the fundraising portal was fantastic for reaching a large number of people all around the world.  I live in Australia, but I am originally from the UK.  I recommend getting friends and family in on the fun every now and ten.  I ran with friends in a local running group one day.  Another time, some friends doing a Sunday morning walk joined forces with me.  A great way to feel connected and supported and helps to stay motivated!

What will be the first thing you do when you finish your next race?

Celebrate with a latte at the beach (where I was lucky enough to be able to do most of my walks and runs).

Join Anita in the Race to End Duchenne

Race to End Duchenne is Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy’s signature program that raises funds to support our mission to end Duchenne muscular dystrophy. When you join the Race to End Duchenne you are supporting PPMD’s vital work in advancing research, care, and advocacy to help those with Duchenne live longer, stronger lives. Join the team at one of our upcoming races!

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