August 6, 2020 / Advocacy

PPMD Signs Onto Letter Urging Congress to Protect Immunocompromised Patients During the Pandemic

PPMD joined dozens of patient organizations in a letter to Congress urging them to protect immunocompromised patients during the pandemic.

Americans living with compromised immune systems have routinely taken precautions in order to avoid becoming sick, but their needs and perspectives are not always considered by policymakers. This pandemic highlights the need for governments to recognize the importance of protecting the immunocompromised when developing policies.

A coalition of patient groups sent a letter to Congressional leadership requesting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) work with the immunocompromised stakeholder community and related health experts to develop and regularly update recommendations aimed at addressing the needs of the immunocompromised for the current and any future pandemics.

PPMD will continue to bring the issues facing this community during the pandemic to the forefront as decisions are made by Congress.

Read the letter >

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