September 11, 2018 / Care,Community

Natural disaster resources for families living with Duchenne

We are officially in the midst of hurricane season, with a major storm aimed at a large portion of the east coast later this week. To all of our PPMD Family in the path of this storm and in anticipation of future storms, PPMD has pulled together resources we hope you will find useful as you begin preparations to protect you and your family.

If you have resources in your area or have had experiences you think others could benefit from, please share this information with us via PPMD’s Community Resource Center and the page dedicated to your specific state. We know that each state — and often each area within a state — handles disaster relief and emergency procedures differently. Those of you on the ground dealing with hurricanes and tropical storms know better than anyone the processes your community has in place.

When one member of our community hurts, we all hurt. Please know that PPMD is here to help however we can and we encourage you to share your experiences with others so that we can all learn from these catastrophic storms.

Visit PPMD’s Community Resource Center for Emergency Preparedness Resources

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