February 1, 2022 / Advocacy

Join PPMD’s Virtual Advocacy Conference on March 8

Want to be part of history? Want to contribute to future progress in understanding, diagnosing, and treating Duchenne?

Join PPMD’s Virtual Fly-In:
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Each year, PPMD ensures that the Duchenne community is at the forefront of the hearts and minds of Congressional leaders and champions in Washington, DC by convening our annual Advocacy Conference (this year, virtually once again) at the start of the annual Appropriations season. These efforts help to ensure that – while Duchenne may be a rare disease – we are central to the considerations of policy makers.

With the return of our virtual format, this is the perfect year to join us as an advocate! Register today to join us virtually on Tuesday, March 8.

Register >

There is no travel or financial expense associated with this virtual event. Only your time and energy are needed to join a movement and help keep Duchenne as a priority in our legislative environment.

Over the last 21 years, Duchenne Advocacy has resulted in…

  • Over $650 million in funding for Duchenne related programs at the National Institutes of Health, Center for Disease Control, and Department of Defense.
  • A standard of care established and recently updated for all those diagnosed with Duchenne, which has markedly improved the quality of life and extended lifespan.
  • An ever-growing Duchenne drug development pipeline with over 40 companies developing drugs for Duchenne.

Never advocated before?

There’s no reason to be intimidated! PPMD will pair you with other experienced family advocates and will get you well prepared ahead of our virtual meetings on Tuesday, March 8th with online educational training sessions.

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