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July 11, 2023 / Coach To Cure MD

Join our 2023 Coach to Cure MD team!

Coach to Cure MD returns September 30, 2023!

This year marks the 16th year of Coach to Cure MD!  We need you and your family to join our team as we rally together on Saturday, September 30, 2023 to raise money and awareness.  We can’t keep scoring touchdowns without you.  We need a full roster to kick off a spectacular year and would love for you to join us this September!

Get involved with Coach to Cure MD

4 Plays to help tackle Duchenne:

  1. Represent our team

Some schools request families to be part of their Coach to Cure MD Day. Although we can’t guarantee that you will be paired with a school, we would still love to have you fill out our Family Registration survey to keep you in mind!

  1. Raise money for Coach to Cure MD!

Want to raise funds? There are easy ways to do it starting now and leading up to game day! From setting up a donation page and sharing it on social media, to hosting a mini auction at a gathering, to creating your own DIY event, PPMD has all the tools to help you get those donations so you can raise more on game day. It’s that easy. Create your fundraising page today!

  1. Share our school sign up link

Interested in getting your local high school or college football team involved with Coach to Cure MD? Share our School Registration link with one of the coaches, an athletic director, or superintendent

  1. Tailgate with friends

From a traditional cook-out tailgate party at the game to a house party with friends and family, or even a gathering at a favorite local restaurant or bar, a tailgate party is a great option. PPMD can provide you with some great materials to make your party even more festive and informative.  Click here to host an event!

Get involved with Coach to Cure MD

If you have any questions about Coach to Cure MD, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at coachtocuremd@parentprojectmd.org.

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