Teen/Adult and Tween Discords

PAAC Teen/Adult Discord

The PAAC Teen/Adult Discord serves as a way to connect with the PPMD Adult Advisory Committee (PAAC) and to convene together with others within the teen and adult Duchenne/Becker community. You must be 15 years or older to join this group.

Please note, this Discord is run by the PAAC, and is not maintained, managed, or moderated by Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD). Views and content of the PAAC Discord or individual PAAC members do not reflect those of PPMD, and PPMD is not responsible for its content. This group supports an online environment for those affected by Duchenne and Becker and is not a source of professional counseling or medical information. Join the PAAC Teen/Adult Discord here.

Tween Discord

PPMD’s Tween Discord is a place where those in the PPMD Tween Social Group can get together to share gaming information and form a community together. This group is for 9-14 year olds living with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. This group is monitored by PPMD staff. The PPMD Tween discord does not accept or tolerate inappropriate comments, language, pictures, or videos. Inappropriate posts will be removed and repeat offenders may be excluded from participating in discussion.

Join the Tween Discord here. For more information, please contact pmoeschen@parentprojectmd.org.