Agenda & Topics

What can I expect at PPMD’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference?

The 2020 PPMD Virtual Annual Conference will feature presentations on:

  • Gene therapy
  • Current clinical trials
  • Important care topics
  • Quality of life issues
  • Cardiac implications in Duchenne
  • Carrier health information
  • Preclinical research discussions
  • And a look ahead at promising research strategies and other ways to move the Duchenne landscape, even in the midst of the ongoing health crisis.

In addition to conference presentations, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions, PPMD’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference will include:

  • Dedicated sessions, both social and educational, for newly diagnosed families
  • Dedicated sessions for teens and adults living with Duchenne
  • The ability to schedule one on one sessions with:
    • Certified Genetic Counselors from The Duchenne Registry
    • A Child Behavioral Educational Specialist
    • Physical Therapists
    • Other experts throughout the conference
  • A robust online poster session providing information on research related to Duchenne
  • Social activities for moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, and, of course, teens and adults
  • A morning yoga class open to all
  • And interactive trivia sessions to help keep us all on our toes while having a little fun.

When are the Conference Sessions?

View a snapshot of our agenda below to give you a sense of when the days will begin and end, and some of the sessions we are planning. A detailed agenda will be provided in the coming weeks.

July 22
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
  • Welcome Address
  • COVID-19 and Re-Entry: Where Are We Now?
  • In the Pipeline: Reducing Inflammation clinical trial discussions
July 23
1:00 PM EDT
Lunch ‘n Learn

6:00-8:00 PM EDT
  • Building Resilience: Overcoming Compassion Fatigue and Burnout
  • In the Pipeline: Restoring Dystrophin clinical trial discussions
July 24
1:00 PM EDT
Lunch ‘n Learn

3:00-6:25 PM EDT
  • In the Pipeline: Downstream Targets clinical trial discussions
  • Duchenne Care: Endocrinology in Duchenne: Bone Health, Growth and Puberty
  • Duchenne Care: Acute Pulmonary Management

7:00 - 8: 30 PM EDT
  • In the Pipeline: Gene Therapy clinical trial discussions

8:45 PM EDT
Social Hangout events for Moms, Dads, Grandparents and of course teens and young adults.
July 25
9:00 AM EDT

10:30 AM -12:10 PM EDT
  • Duchenne Care: Caring for Female Carriers of Duchenne

12:10-1:00 PM EDT

1:00-2:00 PM EDT
Keynote Speaker

2:00-6:15 PM EDT
  • In the Pipeline: Combating Fibrosis and Inflammation clinical trial discussions
  • Duchenne Care: The Role of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) in Neuromuscular Care
  • Rescuing the Heart: Why Cardiac Intervention Is So Critical
  • Future and Emerging Strategies in Duchenne