Connecting with OR Families

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Accessibility & Recreation



Advocacy Agencies

  • Disability Rights Oregon
    511 SW 10th Avenue, Suite 200
    Portland, OR 97205
    503-323-9161 TTY

Department of Education

  • Office of Special Education
    Department of Education
    Nancy J. Latini, Ph.D., Associate Superintendent
    255 Capitol Street N.E.
    Salem, OR 97310-0203
    503-378-3600 EXT 2361
    503-378-2892 (TTY)
    503-378-5156 FAX

Early Intervention Services (Infant and toddler)

  • Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Department
    Office of Special Education
    Diana Allen, Director
    255 Capitol Street N.E.
    Salem, OR 97310-0203
    503-378-3600, ext. 2338
    503-373-7968 FAX
    Website and contact information  

Early Intervention Services (Ages 3 to 5)

  • Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Department
    Office of Special Education
    Diana Allen, Director
    255 Capitol Street N.E.
    Salem, OR 97310-0203
    503-378-3600, ext. 2338
    503-373-7968 FAX
    Website and contact information

PTI (Parent Training and Information Centers)

  • Family and Community Together (FACT)
    13455 SE 97th Ave
    Clackamas, OR 97015
    503-786-6084 FAX

Health & Well-Being

  • Oregon Health Plan Programs
    This program provides Medicaid health insurance to eligible children under age 19 based  on family income.
    Healthy Kids information
    Programs online application
  • Medicaid Home and Community Based Waivers for People with Physical Disabilities
    The Aged and Disabled Waiver provides supports and services to eligible people with disabilities age 18 and older allowing them to remain at home and in the community.  The Medically Involved Children’s Waiver provides supports and services to eligible children under age 19.  Individuals in both programs must meet Nursing Facility Level of Care criteria and financial requirements.  Appropriate services vary based on individual program and need.
    Aged and Disabled Waiver information
    Medically Involved Children’s Waiver information
  • Oregon Health Insurance Payment Program (HIPP)
    HIPP is a reimbursement program that is available to individuals covered by private insurance and Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid). HIPP helps policy holders pay the premiums for their third party insurance (TPL).
    Website and contact information

Financial Support

  • Wheel to Walk Foundation
    The Wheel to Walk Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps children with disabilities, 20 years and younger, obtain medical equipment or services not provided by insurance.


What Oregon-specific resources would you like to add or update? Email