Connecting with MI Families

Connect with Michigan Duchenne Families on Facebook through our Connect Program. You will need to request to be add to the group first.

Accessibility & Recreation

Seeking your suggestions!


Advocacy Agencies

  • Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc.
    Elmer Cerano, Executive Director
    4095 Legacy Parkway, Suite 500
    Lansing, MI 48911-4263

Department of Education

  • Michigan Department of Education
    Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services
    Dr. Jacquelyn Thompson, Director
    P.O. Box 30008
    Lansing, MI 48909-7508
    Contact Information

Early Intervention Services (Infant and toddler)

  • Early On Michigan
    Office of Special Education and EI Services
    State Department of Education
    Vanessa Winborne, Part C Coordinator
    P.O. Box 30008
    Lansing, Ml 48909
    517-373-7504 FAX

Early Intervention Services (Ages 3 to 5)

  • Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services
    Department of Education
    Karen Rockhold, Supervisor
    P.O. Box 30008
    Lansing, MI 48909
    517-373-7504 FAX
    Contact Information

PTI (Parent Training and Information Centers)

Health & Well-Being

  • MIChild Children’s Health Insurance Program
    MIChild provides health insurance for eligible children under age 19 who have no insurance and is based on family income.
    MIChild brochure (PDF)
    MIChild information
  • Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)
    This program provides services to children with qualifying medical conditions based on severity and chronicity.   Fees are based on family income.  Program provides coverage and referral for health related services and community services to help families care for their child at home.
    CSHCS information
    CSHCS contacts (PDF)
  • Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waivers
    The Michigan Department of Community Health offers several HCBS waivers to eligible persons helping them to remain at home and in the community.  Services include skilled nursing services, personal care services and assistance in purchasing durable medical equipment and home modification not covered by Medicaid.  Eligibility is based on medical needs and financial criteria.
    HCBS brochure (PDF)
    Health Care Coverage for Persons with Disabilities homepage
  • Disability Benefits 101
    Provides tools and information on employment, health coverage, and benefits.

What Michigan-specific resources would you like to add or update? Email