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May 11, 2020 /
Wheelchair Stretching: Weight Shift and Pressure Relief
by: Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
Wheelchair Stretching: Weight Shift and Pressure Relief
This video demonstrates positioning the wheelchair to help shift weight off of the bottom to relieve pressure, takes weight off the legs, helps to relax the back muscles, and relieves some pressure of the diaphragm.
Disclaimer: This is a video of stretching exercises for mobility in someone with Duchenne. Stretching should not be painful. DO NOT continue to do the stretch if it causes pain, you notice difficulty breathing, or discomfort. Each stretch/position should be held for 30 seconds and can be repeated up to 3 times.
Benefits of these exercises vary: they may help to keep the joint mobile within its available range, may increase your tolerance to stretch, may improve circulation to the muscle, may decrease discomfort, and may give a feeling of well-being.
Consult your Physical Therapist to ask if these are appropriate for you.