March 4, 2020 /

Connect with the Experts: Cardiac Care & Research (February 27, 2020)

Connect with the Experts: Cardiac Care & Research (March 2020)

PPMD is always working to connect you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about Duchenne care. However, we know the community still has questions about how this information impacts the health of yourself or your child. This winter, we are launching a virtual education experience that we have titled “Connect with the Experts.” Quarterly, we will be hosting interactive webinars about certain care topics based off feedback from the community. Our first Connect with the Experts webinar on February 27, 2020 focused on cardiac care and research for both people living with Duchenne as well as female carriers. We were joined by panelists including Dr. Linda Cripe, a cardiologist from Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Dr. Lee Sweeney, a researcher from the University of Florida. After brief presentations, we opened up the phone lines to allow for your questions.

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