October 13, 2023 /

Affinity Duchenne™ and Affinity Beyond™: Updates on Investigational RGX-202 from REGENXBIO

REGENXBIO joined PPMD for a community webinar on October 11, 2023 to discuss the company’s investigational gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, AFFINITY DUCHENNE™, and AFFINITY BEYOND™, an AAV8 antibody assessment study. Jahannaz (Naz) Dastgir, DO, a pediatric neuromuscular specialist and the clinical development lead of the RGX-202 program at REGENXBIO, and Olivier Danos, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at REGENXBIO, provided an overview of the recently announced interim data from the Phase I/II AFFINITY DUCHENNE™ trial of RGX-202, as well as answered questions from the community about these trials and future plans.

Posted on October 13, 2023

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