August 8, 2018 / Clinical Trials,Community,Research

Connect with other Duchenne Families in Your Area

Online interactions are great, but nothing can replace in-person connections with other families living with Duchenne. PPMD has local Connect groups all over the country for this very reason. Have you “connected” with your state’s PPMD Connect group yet?

PPMD’s Connect (formerly FACES) is the official volunteer, parent-led outreach program of PPMD. Our Connect groups are an excellent way to find other families in your area who are living with Duchenne and Becker.

In addition to being a great source of information about local care options and resources, Connect groups offer opportunities for families to socialize and have fun!


  • Family Mentoring: To help local and regional families better understand the diagnosis of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy and connect them with local resources.
  • Grassroots Outreach: To support national awareness and advocacy campaigns.
  • Fundraising: To support PPMD research, advocacy, care, and education programs.

PPMD’s Connect program launched with its first location in New Jersey at the end of 2008. Since then, we’ve expanded to more states and are gearing up to add additional groups. A Volunteer Coordinator(s) is chosen to head up each of PPMD’s Connect locations, and groups are required to hold in-person family/parent get togethers and maintain consistent communication with their groups throughout the year.


No one needs to go through this experience alone.  Finding one or two families to connect with will help you to know that there is hope and that you have support whenever you need it. Please visit our website to find out if there is a Connect group in your area. To be connected to a coordinator directly via email please contact or 800-714-5437.

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