April 30, 2024 / Community

Thank You for Honoring PPMD’s 30th Anniversary and Fighting for Every Future With Us

As I’ve reflected on the incredible journey of PPMD these past few weeks, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for each and every one of you who have supported us over three decades. From the founding of PPMD in Cincinnati 30 years ago to the present day, our unwavering commitment, passion, and resilience have been the driving force behind our fight for every future.

Thank you for honoring our milestone anniversary this past month. The proclamation in Cincinnati, the messages from so many of you on social media, and the recurring gifts made or increased have truly warmed my heart.  

There is still time to commemorate PPMD’s 30th anniversary and make a lasting impact. Become a monthly donor or increase your existing monthly gift TODAY!

Together, we have faced challenges and celebrated victories, and through it all, your dedication has instilled hope for this community. From fundraising events to advocacy efforts, from scientific advancements to community outreach, your contributions have made a profound impact on the lives of those affected by Duchenne and Becker.

I am filled with pride for all that we have accomplished together. But I am also reminded of the work that still lies ahead. Our journey is far from over, and we must continue to push forward with steadfast resolve. Join us in the fight for every future by becoming a monthly donor or increasing your existing contribution.

To every individual, family, advocate, caregiver, researcher, volunteer, and supporter who has been a part of the PPMD community, I extend my deepest thanks. Your passion and perseverance inspire us all to keep fighting for every future.

As we look ahead, let us renew our commitment to each other and to our shared mission of ending Duchenne. Together, I believe we can make a difference, and I am honored to stand beside you.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Pat Furlong
Founding President & CEO, PPMD

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