October 3, 2022 / Community,Race

Race Athlete Spotlight: Stacey Korte

When friends join the Race to End Duchenne, we are all unstoppable.

Meet Stacey

Why did you choose to join the Race to End Duchenne team?

I joined the Race to End Duchenne team because of my friend Anessa Fehsenfeld and her son Tyler. I am very blessed to call them friends and would do anything I can to support Tyler. I was lucky enough to attend a conference with Anessa and will never forget the people I met that weekend. It made a huge impression on my life that I will never forget.

How many races have you participated in?

I have been to two different race events at Disney. The first year I did the 5k and Half Marathon. The following year we went for the Dopey challenge. We did all four races. It was a blast and so fun to connect with everyone in the PPMD community again.

How do you prepare for races?

Preparing for the races is difficult because I work full time. My average week is doing yoga, weights and a spin class before work. Then running on the weekends. In the summer, I try to do quick runs at night. In Michigan it gets a little tough because it gets dark early, so I rely on doing more spin classes during the week to get mileage in.  Honestly, I don’t always feel like I get enough training in but being around everyone on race day always gets you through. (No matter how slow 😉)

Do you have any fundraising and/or training tips or pointers you would share with other runners – either advice someone gave you or you’ve discovered on your own?

The first year I did fundraise I was a little intimidated by the goal. I was nervous to put it out there. So, I did not raise as much as I wanted. The second year I talked about it more and put it on social media. I found that people were excited for me and could see how excited I was that they wanted to support me. I often hear this said when it comes to fundraising, if you don’t ask you won’t know. I keep that in my mind, so I make sure to talk about it. No donation is too small and people want to support you.

What will be the first thing you do when you finish your next race?

After I finish a race, the first thing I do is get the medal and the banana!!! Seriously though, I usually go get a shower and try to get a relaxing walk in. It always feels good to keep moving.

Join Stacey in the Race to End Duchenne

Race to End Duchenne is Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy’s signature program that raises funds to support our mission to end Duchenne muscular dystrophy. When you join the Race to End Duchenne you are supporting PPMD’s vital work in advancing research, care, and advocacy to help those with Duchenne live longer, stronger lives. Join the team at one of our upcoming races!

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