July 1, 2022 / Community,Race

Race Athlete Spotlight: Sarah Finazzo

Joining the Race to end Duchenne team in 2022, Sarah has been off to a great start running and fundraising in honor of her nephew, Henry.  Her first race with us was the NYC Half Marathon where she raised over $13,000!

Meet Sarah

Why did you choose to join the Race to End Duchenne team?

My nephew, Henry, who turned 3 in February, was diagnosed with Duchenne a few days before Christmas in 2021.  He lives in Phoenix and I’m in Long Island, so I’ve felt a little helpless in my support as his family navigates this new diagnosis.  With COVID I was able to listen in on one of their first doctor’s appointments and hearing about some of the incredible Duchenne research that is happening left the whole family really hopeful.  It made me realize how critical funding is right now and how every dollar can make a difference.  Beyond that, Henry’s diagnosis has literally changed the way I feel when I run.  I think about him constantly and how the things I’ve taken for granted like walking, running, and my health are such gifts.

How many races have you participated in?

I have three young kids, so I haven’t done many races recently.  I am looking forward to getting back into them now that it’s easier to get out of the house!  The NYC Half Marathon was a blast and has me thinking about another Half Marathon this year!  And hopefully some 5K’s too!

How do you prepare for races?

Making a great playlist is key for me!  I love a good pasta dinner and drinking lots of water leading up to it.  I also run with my friend, Liz, who pushes me on the dark mornings I just want my pillow or a cup of coffee instead of putting on a pair of running shoes.  And for that, I’m very grateful!

Do you have any fundraising and/or training tips or pointers you would share with other runners – either advice someone gave you or you’ve discovered on your own?

For fundraising, bringing in the personal touch was really key for me.  Showing pictures of Henry, talking about him, and easily connecting people with a link to donate.  I’ve found people want to donate to good causes but need to know where to direct their goodwill.  If you are passionate, your friends and family will clearly see this and want to support.

What will be the first thing you do when you finish your next race?

A great delicious brunch with the family! 

Join Sarah in the Race to End Duchenne

Race to End Duchenne is Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy’s signature program that raises funds to support our mission to end Duchenne muscular dystrophy. When you join the Race to End Duchenne you are supporting PPMD’s vital work in advancing research, care, and advocacy to help those with Duchenne live longer, stronger lives. Join the team at one of our upcoming races!

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