March 17, 2022 / Care,Research

PPMD Convenes 80+ Expert Cardiologists & Professionals for Duchenne Cardiac Care Meeting

PPMD is spending this week joined by 80+ expert cardiologists, key neuromuscular providers, members of the FDA and NIH, and industry partners to discuss cardiac care in Duchenne.

We all know that the heart is a muscle, and it is imperative we preserve cardiac muscle and better understand how to monitor and slow progression.

PPMD has spent many months planning this meeting in partnership with Dr. Chet Villa (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital), Dr. Deip Nandi (Nationwide Children’s Hospital), and Dr. Linda Cripe (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)

While convening top experts in the field, we will dive into current gaps and unknowns of cardiac care in Duchenne:

  • How can we better collect data in clinical trials to understand Duchenne cardiomyopathy trajectory?
  • Are current medication protocols making an impact?
  • What have we learned from imaging, such as cardiac MRI and echocardiogram?
  • Can gene therapy impact the heart?

We will spend the next two days working to answer these questions and drive consensus among the experts in the room.

Our goal is always to drive the field forward and advocate for new and innovative approaches to treatment, and our hope is to continue to improve cardiac care for every person with Duchenne.

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