February 22, 2021 / Care

New Resource! Common Labs and What They Mean in Duchenne

A variety of laboratory tests are often obtained in the assessment and treatment of Duchenne, and those laboratory tests can be incredibly confusing and variable in nature.

As such, PPMD has developed a new resource for common laboratory (lab) tests that are often collected at both neuromuscular and general pediatric appointments. As with our recent Safe & Unsafe Medications Resource Sheet, some lab results have specific meanings for those patients living with Duchenne, while others do not.

Download PPMD’s New Resource for Common Lab Tests and What They Mean

Our new Common Labs and What They Mean Resource Sheet (download) includes commonly ordered tests, their “normal” ranges, and common reasons why those results might be outside of the normal or expected range.

Download PPMD’s New Common Labs and What They Mean Resource >

It would be impossible to include all of the reasons for abnormal results, and some reasons may be specific to the patient and their underlying conditions, so it is important to discuss all of your lab results, and their specific implications for you, with your medical team.

We encourage you to use this resource both as a reference, but also a means to include your own notes upon discussions with your medical team.

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