November 21, 2020 / Care,Community

NEW – Fall 2020 Survey: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Duchenne

PPMD has launched our second COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Survey related to your experiences during the pandemic for accessing care, trials, and approved therapies.

Thank you to everyone who completed our first survey earlier in the spring. Results from the first survey helped guide PPMD in creating resources for the community during the pandemic. Our Duchenne community survey also provided a model for groups like the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the world’s largest trade association representing biotechnology companies in the US, as well as other organizations in rare disease, so that we asked similar questions in our surveys in order to promote collaboration and consistency.

Please Complete our New Fall 2020 Survey

PPMD is now launching a second COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Survey that delves into new questions around telemedicine experiences, as well as updated questions on trials and approved therapies.

Note: Participation in our earlier spring survey is not required in order to participate in this second COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Survey. Please help us by completing this survey, whether or not you participated in the first one.

If you have already taken our new fall 2020 survey, we thank you for your input! The data you provide through these surveys is vital to informing and shaping the work of relevant stakeholder groups in the Duchenne and Becker community, including physicians, drug developers, and patient advocacy groups.

Complete the Survey

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please contact PPMD’s Ryan Fischer at

We are grateful for your participation!

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