March 21, 2018 / Race

Race Athlete Spotlight: Emma & Alexis Broggi

Meet Emma Broggi, 17 years old and Alexis Broggi, 14 years old:

Why did you choose to join the Race to End Duchenne team?

Soon after we met Danny and his family, our family chose to join our friends in running to end Duchenne. We have connected with so many inspiring people and have made so many memories along the way. We are grateful to be a part of something that is making a difference. We will not stop running until there is a cure!

How many races have you participated in? If more than one, which was your favorite and why?

We have participated in too many races to count! These range from small town 5Ks to Disney 10Ks. Some of our favorite races took place over the past two years when we ran in the Disney races, having fun laughing, singing, dancing, and running for the boy we love.

How do you prepare for races?

When we prepare for races, we run beforehand in order to get the muscles in our legs flowing. Additionally, we are a part of our school cross country and track teams. Alongside running, we are members of our school and summer swim teams, so this helps in getting in some cross training for races.

Do you have any fundraising and/or training tips or pointers you would share with other runners – either advice someone gave you or you’ve discovered on your own?

Running is hard. There are so many thoughts racing through your mind… you’re tired, or you’re bored, or you don’t feel like running anymore. Whether it’s during a race or a training run, for us it is important to push through these thoughts and think about the bigger picture. It is easy to forget the pain and the tiredness you feel when you think about the Duchenne families and what they endure each and every day. We have learned that it is important to remember your “why.” Remind yourself why you run – for us, we remember that for every boy with Duchenne, we are their legs.

When it comes to fundraising, whatever you put your mind to, you can accomplish. Create a plan and put it into action. Over the past two summers, Team Danny Kids has put together a bake sale to support our fundraising. It’s one of our most favorite fundraisers. We make flyers, use social media, and even Facebook Live to get our friends and local community to support us. We’ve been very successful!

What’s the first thing you like to do when you finish a race?

The absolute first thing we like to do when we finish with a race is to meet up and take pictures with Danny and our team. It’s so heartwarming to see him and give him a hug right after you finish running! And of course, there is also eating!

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