July 13, 2020 / Community

PPMD’s 2020 Virtual Conference – Our Hub is Live!

PPMD’s 2020 Virtual Conference – Our Hub is Live!

If you haven’t registered for PPMD’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference — now’s the time to do so! Our Conference Hub is now open! This is your opportunity to create your own, unique virtual experience by signing up for relevant specialty sessions and watching pre-recorded educational content in our On-Demand Library ahead of our live sessions July 22-25.

If you have already registered, check your email for access information to the Conference Hub!

Register Now >


Once you register, you can visit our On-Demand Library to watch pre-recorded videos from our research team and our industry sponsors before heading into Conference.

Find out broad information about Duchenne, clinical trial overviews, and details about specific therapies now, so that when our incredible panel discussions start up live next week, you know the basics. You can also ask questions ahead of time, so that presenters know what is most important to you and your family. This On-Demand Library will be your go-to reference point for all of research presentations during the Conference and is accessible for anyone registered.


A key component to PPMD’s Annual Conference has always been the ability to connect with other families on this Duchenne journey, as well as experts who can help you navigate daily life. Just because we are virtual this year, doesn’t mean we can’t still find these important connections!

That’s why PPMD is offering a variety of breakout sessions and social gatherings for anyone registered. This is your opportunity to create your own, unique virtual experience and ensure that you are participating in the sessions, one-on-one consultations, and social events you want to participate in!*

  • Schedule Specialty Sessions in Genetics and Registry, School and Behavior, and Physical Therapy
  • Register for Lunch and Learn Breakout Sessions
  • Sign up for Zoom Social Night

* Anyone who attends PPMD’s Virtual Annual Conference can join one of these social events or private sessions. You just have to register!

If you haven’t registered for PPMD’s 2020 Virtual Annual Conference — what are you waiting for? Check out our full agenda and register today!


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