May 11, 2020 / Care

Telehealth Visits: Dos and Don’ts

Telehealth Visits: Dos and Don’t

During our May 6, 2020 interactive webinar on telehealth appointments, our panelists, including physicians and a nurse from PPMD’s Certified Duchenne Care Centers, discussed their recent experience utilizing telehealth appointments with Duchenne patients.

Our guests provided guidance about what to expect, what questions to ask, and how to make the most of your virtual visit. From this important information, PPMD’s Care Team has developed the “dos and don’ts of telehealth” – a guide to consider while planning for your first or next virtual neuromuscular appointment.


  • Take advantage of your electronic patient portal through your neuromuscular center.
  • Test your tech before your telehealth visit – camera, speakers, microphone, etc.
  • Talk to your coordinator/scheduler in advance and be open about your concerns to ensure you see the necessary subspecialists.
  • Prepare questions ahead of time for your neuromuscular care team.
  • Set a reminder for yourself; it is easy to lose track of time while in quarantine.
  • Be ready for show and tell: have any necessary equipment and medications handy.
  • Wear loose clothing, like a T-shirt and shorts, so you can perform tasks or show range of motion easily on camera.
  • Position yourself in an area that is well-lit where the provider can see as much of you as possible and where there is space to evaluate gait and motor skills – i.e. a hallway or open space in the room.
  • Know who to call if you run into problems with the technology.
  • Turn off other apps/streaming/video devices.
  • Check with your insurance in advance if you’re unsure if telehealth visits are a covered benefit.
  • Be flexible; telehealth is new to many, and it may not be perfect.


  • Use a virtual background.
  • Hide your other children or pets, your medical team likes to see them too!
  • Use a cellphone if you can avoid it.
  • Use data if you have Wi-Fi available.
  • Do your visit while distracted: from the car, while taking other calls, etc.
  • Worry if technology is fails. Talk through Plan B with your team in case you have problems with your telehealth visit.

Webinar recording


  • Dr. Mena Scavina
    Nemours AI DuPont Children’s Hospital
  • Dr. Oren Kupfer
    Colorado Children’s Hospital
  • Dr. Linda Cripe
    Nationwide Children’s Hospital
  • Alexis Hazlett, RN, BSN, CPN
    Clinic Coordinator
    Children’s Mercy Kansas City


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